Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wiping off the Dust

Here it is the middle of April and I've neglected this blog. My birthday came and went, I got some awesome stuff, and my sister's offer was just accepted on a house. Exciting times. We've been busy here, too, which is mostly the cause for the decaying of this blog. We have also moved in and begun the task of unpacking. There has been a lot of progress, as well as the day to day operations here at the Bittner-Crissman household, plus a couple things on the side. Anyway, here are a few pictures of what's been put together thus far.
You can probably notice a couple boxes here and there plus some things not quite in place but hey, but it's a work in progress. The garage and basement are ongoing as well (no pictures yet). Tonight we tried to take the night off, although Kelly put a few things up. I had no problem with sitting on the couch, listening to music and writing in here. I've been pretty tired the last couple of days, so I took this morning off from the gym. I may do the same tomorrow...we'll see how the morning goes.

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