Friday, July 25, 2008

Destination: New Jersey?

Yes, the title is somewhat odd. There's only two people I know and like from NJ, that's Dom and Eric. Jersey has a bad rep. Unfortunately, I can only continue to believe it's true since most of the people I encountered while there were either tourists or locals trying to sell me something.

Last Friday (7/18) marked the beginning. I was in on Kelly's family vacation. I didn't have any posts since I left, because I stayed disconnected the whole time I was gone. It was great. So I'll start where the vacation started. I don't have much to say about the trip there other than I slept. Upon arrival we went to the store to get groceries, got to the hotel, unpacked, and made for the beach. Of course the first time I get in the ocean in years I get water stuck in my ear that didn't come out all week. It's fine now, but made for some muffled conversations.

After almost everyone got there, we went to dinner at Duffers, the first time of three.
Travis got a sundae all to himself. Let me tell you these things are huge. Kelly and I couldn't finish one by ourselves. He made a great effort, but the sundae won in the end.

1 comment:

Dom Z. said...

that second-to-last pic, with the ice cream? _nice._