During the week, we were able to make time to watch The Big Lebowski. We celebrated with oat sodas.
After heading to the indoor range a few times throughout the week, we gathered a small arsenal and headed for Sleepy Creek.
What you see here is me with the Big Daddy, and Dom with his .30-06, his slug gun, and Little Elvis. We were also privileged to fire some other rifles owned by some of the locals as well as trying to hit a target with a handgun at 100 yards...which I didn't accomplish at all. At least I hit the dirt pile. Not to worry, there's not a football field's length of open space in any house I'll be living in. I was certainly making the milk jugs and detergent containers jump at 25 yards, well over the range I'll be dealing with indoors.
Don't follow too close, we leave a pretty massive wake where we tread.
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